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Saturday, 18 August 2012

PC Game Review: Symphony

Review of Symphony
[PC music/rhythm game]

These days we've all got massive hard drives filled with GBs of torrented music, and here comes Symphony from Empty Clip Studios to destroy it all! It’s rare for music games to have a plot, but Symphony’s story takes place inside your precious rig, where a malevolent virus is chomping its way through your tuneage. It’s up to you to stop it, Inner Space style: by maneouvering a tiny craft through music-generated levels, blasting apart the malware as you go. Fair enough, the story is as complex as a Katie Price novel, but you’ll want to keep playing partly to destroy the sinister software, and partly because it’s damn good fun...

Read my full Symphony PC game review over on Game Debate now

Saturday, 4 August 2012

How to defeat a dragon with string...

A few bloggers have been kind enough to interview me about my ebooks, Crack and Dead Dogs, but I probably enjoyed my chat with Jennifer over at 'The First 7500 words' more than any other. Not only did she ask if I prefer ninjas or pirates, she tested my adventure game skills to the max by asking how I'd escape from an angry dragon using just a few random items. Madder than a barrel of squirrels.

The full interview is up on 7500 words now, and Jennifer also had a few kind words to say about Dead Dogs.

PC game review: Home

Home review by Chris Barraclough
[PC horror adventure game]

"What the blimming flip is going on?"

We’re going to blow apart tradition for this review of new indie horror adventure game Home by telling you practically nothing about it. Not because we’re lazy (we are), not because we’re drunk (we are) and definitely not because we’re lost for words. We’d love nothing more than to discuss Home all night, but it would spoil the living hell out of the game, and the best way to experience Home is to know nothing at all. But in the interest of keeping this review longer than a paragraph, here's what happens in the first 30 seconds...

Read my full Home review on GameDebate