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Sunday 1 May 2011

Are you the Next Big Author?

Got a great idea for a novel, and waiting for an excuse to start the damn thing? May is your month.

Prospective novelist site YouWriteOn is hosting a major new comp called the Next Big Author, which aims to find and crown an exciting new literary talent. Breathe easy, cos you don't have to bash out a whole book in May - just write and post up 5,000-7,000 words before the end of the month.

Each entrant must then review competing entries in June, receiving a review of their own in return. The five highest rated entries come the end of June win a free critique from the likes of Random House and Bloomsbury.

The prize is a good one, and it's free to enter the competition, although having writers assess their competitors' work is no doubt going to lead to controversy. I wouldn't be surprised if this one descends into a popularity contest, or some entrants decide to hurt their competition by dishing out one-star reviews, with the argument that they 'didn't get it'.


  1. Very cool - thanks for sharing! It sounds similar to Authonomy and will be interesting to see how things turn out at the end of the month.

  2. No worries, here's hoping one of us finds success! :)
