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Sunday 16 October 2011

Publish your Kindle Store ebook: Published!

Well, it's been emotional. Right now I'm logged into the Kindle Direct Publishing site (using my normal Amazon logon deets), about to submit Crack to the fountain of untold wealth that is the Kindle Store.

Let's get it up there

If this is your first time publishing on the Kindle store, you'll need to click a 'user details incomplete' message in the top right corner and fill in your address and how you want to gets your cash moneys - you can be paid by cheque (not 'check' as the Yanks would have it) every time you make $100, or EFT when you raise $10 - you'll need your IBAN and BIC numbers for this, which can be found on your statements.

Once that's done, go to the dashboard and hit 'add a new book' on the bookshelf. Wahhhh, exciting!

More forms??

Okaaaay, after waiting bloody ages for the page to load, I see it's another big ol' form. Shocker.

Right, name is easy, but then comes the description. This is the bit you need to think long and hard about, as it'll play a huge part in swaying potential readers to buy your book. Make it juicy, keep it succinct, and big up your book without sounding like an egotistical mentalist.

Also, I've included some bonus content at the back of Crack (that sounds wrong somehow), as an extra incentive to buy - a making of article, interview, sneak peek of my first book etc. I've made a quick note of this in the description.

The rest is fairly obvious - choose two best categories to help fans of your genre to find the book, etc. You can also upload your cover, and then the book itself!

You should then (hopefully) get a message saying 'Upload and conversion successful'.

It'll cost ya

Not time for a beer just yet though, cos you've still got to set the price.

If you want 70% royalties you'll have to price the book between $2.99 and $200. If you want to charge less, you can only get 35% royalties. However, there are loads of stories out there of authors who sold very few books at $2.99, lowered their price to 99 cents, then sold thousands every month. If people are even vaguely interested in your chosen genre, they're likely to pick up a book for less than a quid.

I'm selling Crack for $1.50, or 95p, because that's how I roll y'all.

Done and done

That's it! Amazon will publish your book within 24 hours, and then you can enter the murky world of marketing (i.e. begging people to buy your book).

See you next time kiddies, time for that beer...

UPDATE: Crack can now be purchased at and


  1. I already looked for it on Amazon UK, it's not there yet. I will try again tomorrow :-)

  2. Ha, thanks Sarah! Yep, still showing as 'publishing' on the dashboard, they reckon 24 hours so hopefully will be up by tomorrow afternoon. Spread the good word :)

    So you reckon you're going to go the ebook route?

  3. I'm still a fair way from having to make the decision, but I really do think it's a viable option now.

    By the way - guess what the last book I bought was? About two minutes ago :-)

  4. Yeah, certainly seems that way - cuts out tons of hassle and the middle men, and you don't have to wait years to get your book out - you just have to deal with bloody formatting issues instead!

    Ooh, guessing games, nice one! It's not one that's advertised on this very page by any chance is it? :)

  5. *Ding, ding!* Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner :-)

    Might take me a little while to get to it, but at least I own it!

  6. Ahhh cheers Sarah, much appreciated! Hope you enjoy :)
